Saturday, March 14, 2009

More from Project 365...

March 8, 2009...I snapped a quick photo of Janessa in front of the Timpanogos Temple today. She was on her way to a Jenny Phillips fireside.

March 10, 2009...This was the view from our front door as the kids left for school this morning. I had to hurry and get the camera, as the moon was quickly disappearing. I'm sure the neighbors all loved seeing me in my pink furry bathrobe while on their way to work. I love seeing the temple out our front windows, what a great reminder of who we ought to be.

March 11, 2009...Janessa sang a solo tonight in her Mountain Ridge Jr. High choir concert. They really put on a great show. Rick and I took the boys (Andrew had lacrosse) and Baba & Grandpa came as well. We were really proud of her. She has a great singing voice and a lot of confidence to sing in front of an auditorium full of people!

March 14, 2009...Nathan loves to plant (and eat) peas. We did lots and lots of yard work today. The kids helped out so much, I was proud of them!