Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy 50th Birthday Karen...

I know that I am VERY behind on blogging (thanks for the reminder that it is no longer Mother's Day, Kenny)... However, this is a very important occasion today that I can't let slip by. It is my amazing sister Karen's 50th birthday today! So, before I go to sleep tonight and hopefully as she is waking up in Italy in a few minutes, I want to wish her the happiest birthday yet.

Karen is an amazing sister and I don't know what I would do without her in my life (I am SO glad that she has less than a year left of her mission in Italy, I miss her like crazy!). Here are a few fun photos I took of her on my trip to visit her in last year. And, as her birthday present, I'm only posting the ones she would approve of (which there aren't very many of those)...

(She might not approve of this one for certain reasons, but I don't think anyone will notice and she looks super cute with her sister missionaries.)